New Work

Two new websites have gone online recently. Oh Knickers! is almost completed, a new site for a lingerie boutique in Truro. The main site is all finished, but the e-commerce aspect is being polished off as we speak.

Emma has been keen to work on the Oh Knickers! website since she first saw the shop, and you can have a look and see how her illustrations work with the extremely girly designs. I have been reliably informed that it is okay for men to visit the site and shop, and can recommend the lingerie tips for men section to any that are reading this now.

The second site, that has gone online this week, also has a few bits and bobs that need to be added, but again, the main site is completed. DP Landrover Services, who specialise in selling and caring for Land Rovers and are based just outside Bodmin more on the A30.

Soon to be added will be their vehicles for sale, this is a content managed section of the site which can be updated by the client as and when 4x4s come and go. The aim was to pitch the design somewhere close to Land Rover's standard of presentation, but ensure that it was accessible by everyday users.


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